The application “Nordic Link-securing Nordic linear infrastructure networks against climate induced natural hazards” was successful, and will receive a 12 million NOK grand from NordForsk for a three-year project period beginning in September 2020.
NordicLink is a network of scientists and other stakeholders from Sweden, Finland and Norway who collaborate with the objective of increasing the security and resilience of transnational Nordic linear infrastructure networks regarding extreme weather and natural hazards with the purpose ofensuring the high-quality continuation of daily life and the economy. Among others the project will developintelligent approaches to hazard and risk management, including monitoring techniques and nature-based solutions, as well as recurrent risk reviewsof spatial concentration developments. Research Area 4 will directly be involved in work package 3, which will address monitoring techniques for linear infrastructure networks. The focus will be on data-assimilation of several monitoring data streams using physics based forward modelling, as well as the development of more cost-effective and robust geotechnical sensor strategies based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).
Minna Karstunen
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