Film: Information visualization in urban 3D-models

Film: Information visualization in urban 3D-models

A new video has been released as part of the Miljövis II project – part of the DTCC Milestone Project Twinable. The transdisciplinary project MiljöVis II aims to further develop and scale up new methods and solutions for 3D-visualization of invisible data (air, sound, and social consequences) in large scale infrastructure models, developed in an earlier project (MiljöVis I). 

The project is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology (Depts of Computer Science & Engineering and Architecture and Civil Engineering), the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) and the Digital Twin Cities Centre. Milestone Project Twinable.

Read more about the project here:
A Proposed Workflow for Conceptual Visualization Studies in Urban 3D-Models, Paper, 2023
MiljöVis: Effektiv representation av miljödata i digitala modeller, Report, 2021 (Swedish)
Att synliggöra det osynliga: Kartläggning av representation av miljödata i digitala modeller, Report, 2021 (Swedish)

The Miljövis II project is led by Beata Stahre Wästberg, Senior Researcher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University.

For more information please contact:

Beata Stahre Wästberg

Alexander Hollberg